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The winning-strategy

Set your strategy

You have a plan and an infrastructure, you have players with warrior traits, you have a leader who knows how to manage the army of warriors you own, and now you have a very important thing which is how to manage the game, and use all the resources and opportunities to end the game before the original time, turn the balance and change things to serve you. This chapter is about the cultures we rely on in business management.

Who​ ​can​ ​master​ ​patience​ ​can​ ​master​ ​everything

Perseverance transcends all obstacles, and with good planning, perseverance and optimal utilization of opportunities, success will inevitably come.It is wrong to judge all business failures because of falling once or twice. There is nothing necessary to achieve success of any kind, more than perseverance, because it transcends everything even nature. Patience and perseverance and hard working are an unbeatable combination, and the only result of this combination is overwhelming success.

Actions,​ ​deserve​ ​to​ ​be​ ​followed

Any commercial entity will not be able to continue in the game without followers and fans, without fans who believe in what it does, not by abstract words. People do not follow only those who speak, but always follow those who take action, those are more believable.

Promise,​ ​and​ ​fulfill

The key to the continued follow-up of the masses to any commercial entity is the promises it makes and the degree to which it fulfills them.As the promise makes it more exciting, it gives the waiters a guarantee of honesty, and gives the promising passion for persistence and insistence, in other words the promise of implementation, which gives another taste of waiting.

Only​ ​you​ ​can​ ​help​ ​yourself

The only one who can help you is you, do not wait for the circumstances to do its part. Business does not go this way. Great men do not leave an opportunity for the circumstances, do not wait for the mistakes of the competitors, this will rarely happen. The war is on fire and intense and everyone is racing and wants to win. You have to do what you have to do, because no one will offer you anything.

Be​ ​of​ ​service

Business is all about how you can give value to other people. When you shift your mind from “how can I make the most amount of money” to “how can I serve and add value to as many people as possible”, that’s when the magic really happens! Solving people’s problems adds value to you, your service or product. This is our way of doing business.

Who​ ​can​ ​master​ ​patience​ ​can​ ​master​ ​everything

Perseverance transcends all obstacles, and with good planning, perseverance and optimal utilization of opportunities, success will inevitably come.It is wrong to judge all business failures because of falling once or twice. There is nothing necessary to achieve success of any kind, more than perseverance, because it transcends everything even nature. Patience and perseverance and hard working are an unbeatable combination, and the only result of this combination is overwhelming success.

Strong​ ​like​ ​a​ ​lion,​ ​fast​ ​like​ ​a​ ​deer

The pitch can only be recognized by force, speed, performance, and speed of execution. The slow competitor quickly gets out of the racetrack; The world is fast-moving, fast-changing, fast-evolving, and you will not be able to cope with change and development unless you are aware of it and its trends and impact on the course of events.

Customer satisfaction tells the story

Customers are the opponent and the judge in the business and their satisfaction is everything that any business entity should be interested in.The more a customer experiences a happy experience, the more gratified it is to promote and advertise your business for free through oral marketing.

Problems​ ​are​ ​not​ ​stop​ ​signs,​ ​they​ ​are​ ​guidelines

Problems are not a sign of failure. They are a guide to walking the right path or the wrong way. They are a tool for assessing the situation and gaining more experience through analysis, formulation and treatment. In Baianat we believe that the problem is not a problem in itself, but the real problem in dealing with it, so face all the possible problems before the launch of any product, to ensure that every feature in the product works well; if there is any unexpected problem after the launch, then anxiety and tension will only make the situation worse.Problems are not signs of stopping, but they are guidelines to take the right way.

Value​ ​alone​ ​is​ ​not​ ​enough

Added value has become the basis of the equation of change in cultures, but the situation is now different, as most people become aware of it well, and products offered with value in the quality varies between medium and exceptional, so value alone is not enough, only what exceed expectations is what gives things an unforgettable taste.Values have two sides, one of which is its production and the other is the existence of its believers. The bottom line is, offer what is more than added value, as exceptional acts are what remains.

Thought​ ​Leadership

The goal is to change the cultures and then change the world, change needs power,and the power goes to the thoughtful leader. He who really wants to change the world - on a large scale - must become a thoughtful leader in his own region to gain credibility, confidence and diffusion that enables him to spread the ideas he sees will change the world. Thoughtful leader in business is the one with spoken and influential word of course.

Against​ ​the​ ​wind

It is not reasonable to take a path because a group of people said this is the right way. Certainly what works for others does not necessarily fit with you. The environment in which the theory works is different. The team that will implement this theory is different. So you have to draw the way you go on your own even if it is the opposite of all people, even if all the people tell you this road is not true.


Chapter: 5